PoEVault's Lacerate Gladiator Gear, Jewels, and Flasks (PoE Necropolis)



Gear Summary / TL;DR

These items strike a balance between power and cost-effectiveness. If you want more information, see recommendations about Jewels or Flasks, or get more information on the items, please ensure you read the Gear, Jewels, and Flasks page in its entirety.

Our recommendation:

Item Slot Item Name
Head Rare Helmet We ideally want Int, elder phys taken mod and life. Resistance is welcome.
Amulet Rare Turquoise Amulet Turquoise Amulet This is one of our best slots to look for “Physical Damage over Time Multiplier”.
Chest Rare Glorious Plate Glorious Plate Focus on getting high armour, no life roll and decent resistances here. Make sure it has no influences as we want eldritch implicits
Gloves Rare Titan Gauntlets Titan Gauntlets We just want attacks peed and life. If you can get resistance here, that is amazing. Roll with Eldritch later.
Boots Rare Titan Greaves Titan Greaves Our boots are there for Movement Speed, Life and Resistance. Nothing else.
Belt Ryslatha's Coil Ryslatha's Coil OR Rare Stygian Vise Stygian Vise Ryslatha is our BiS belt, stygian is a good budget choice but will require a jewel.
Ring Amethyst Ring Amethyst Ring We want resistances and Life here.
Ring Unique Mark of Submission Mark of Submission This ring is to automate Vulnerability.
Weapon 1 The valiant Jack, the Axe Jack, the Axe Jack gives us amazing Dot multi modifiers. This is near irreplaceable. For later budgets you want a Fortify on hit corruption here
Shield Rare Pinnacle Tower Shield Pinnacle Tower Shield We mostly want the recover life on block mod here. In addition, amour rolls, life rolls or resistance rolls are bonuses. Chance to block of 15% or higher is jackpot, but rarely happens along with everything else.


A Rare helmet with an Armour base — Royal Burgonet Royal Burgonet or Eternal Burgonet Eternal Burgonet — is ideal for this build. Prioritize stats as follows:

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. +# to Attributes (as needed)
  4. % Increased Armour
  5. +# to Armour


A Rare chest, such as an Astral Plate Astral Plate, is a fine option and will surpass Unique chests if it is well rolled. You should prioritize stats as follows:

  1. Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Strength
  3. % Increased Armour
  4. +# to Armour


Armour bases are preferable, such as Titan Greaves Titan Greaves. Prioritize as follows:

  1. % Increased Movement Speed (30%+)
  2. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  3. +# to Maximum Life
  4. % Increased Armour Rating
  5. +# to Armour Rating


A pair of well rolled Spiked Gloves Spiked Gloves is typically the best option early on. An honourable mention goes to Apothecary's Gloves Apothecary's Gloves. Though at the end of the day Eldritch implicit wins out against both, so the base only matters very early on. Getting some Attack Speed on your gloves is a really nice boost but not required out of the gate. Prioritize your mods as follows:

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. % Increased Attack Speed
  4. Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks

Weapon and Shield


Rare Pinnacle Tower Shield Pinnacle Tower Shield is our go-to choice here. We ideally want a shield with Shaper Influence, to access the Recover #% of life when you block affix.
Prioritise stats on this as follows:

*Recover 5% of life when you block. We can settle for 4% if the budget does not permit 5.
  • % armour

Should you by some miracle hit recover life on block, chance to block of 15% or higher, life and some form of resistance keep that shield. It is a very good shield at that point. Do not try to roll for this mod, however, as it is far too rare. Just mentioning this in case you get some beginner’s luck.

This is really all we want or need our shield to do. If you get a resistance or two, that is a bonus, but not necessary.
I highly recommend crafting this item yourself as it is rather simple once you have the base. Crafting guide can be found in Ghazzys Crafting hub.

Later on we want to upgrade this to a The Surrender The Surrender. If you can afford to do so early on, skip the crafted shield entirely as this is simple better.


Jack, the Axe Jack, the Axe is going to be the primary choice for the build. It has decent base stats, offers solid recovery and some very potent %more damage with bleeding, and % DoT multi affixes. While a rare can beat Jack, I would argue the cost to make an axe capable of surpassing Jack is simply too high.
Adding to this that Jack is cheap even with a fortify corruption, it remains a no-brainer for the build.



Since we have no need of Elemental Damage or Critical Strike, itemizing for Jewelry is very easy and usually quite a cheap relative to other builds. Prioritize affixes as follows:

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. +# to All Attributes (only if you need additional Intelligence)
  4. +# to Dexterity (as needed for Lacerate Lacerate requirements)
  5. Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks
  6. +% to Physical Damage over time Multiplier
  7. % Increased Attack Speed
  8. % Increased Damage While Leeching (Crafted)
  9. % Increased Damage (Crafted)

Due to how well a lot of our gems scale with Quality, Ashes of the Stars Ashes of the Stars is an amazing amulet for this build. If you’re looking to stay with lacerate for a while, I would recommend considering getting one. In later budgets we want to anoint Whispers of Doom and doing so on an amulet you do not intend to keep is expensive. So keep an eye out for Ashes. Important note is that Ashes has 2% breakpoints for us. Which means 20-22-24-26-28-30. The difference between a 28 and a 30 in terms of effect is relatively small, but in terms of cost it is likely massive. You should keep this in mind while looking for one.


Rare Amethyst Ring Amethyst Ring are the best option for the end-game. Earlier on to make resistance caps easier you might want to consider a Two-Stone Ring Two-Stone Ring or two. Honorable mention to sSteel Ring Steel Ring as well for pure damage output, but it will complicate chaos resistance too much IMO.
Early on we will be using a Mark of Submission Mark of Submission to automate our vulnerability. If you’re comfortable casting it manually, you can skip this ring entirely. This is worth getting the hang of, a we will be ditching Submission in the later stages of the build either way.

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. +# to All Attributes (only if you need additional Intelligence)
  4. +# to Dexterity (as needed for item and gem requirements)
  5. Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks
  6. % Increased Attack Speed


A well rolled Ryslatha's Coil Ryslatha's Coil is going to be your hands down best option.
A Rare Stygian Vise Stygian Vise is a reasonable alternative, especially if you’re struggling on resistances.
An honorable mention to Belt of the Deceiver Belt of the Deceiver as it packs a very reasonable punch for a low price and should be readily available.

Ryslathas Coil is an item that often confuses newer players, as it provides roll values affecting both minimum attack damage and maximum attack damage. Rule of thumb here is the modifier to “less minimum attack damage” should be as low a number as possible, and the “more maximum attack damage” roll should be as high a number as possible. It’s also important that when you search for this item, you input a 0 in the “maximum quality” box in PoB as this removes all the Ryslatha Scammers from your listed results.

As for your rare belt, should you go with one as Ryslatha is expensive, prioritise stats as follows:

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. % Increased Global Physical Damage
  4. +# to Armour
  5. Any of the Flask Mods


Standard Jewels

Standard Jewels are generally always better than Abyss Jewels, since we prioritize Increased Attack Speed so highly.

  1. % Increased Maximum Life
  2. % Increased Attack Speed with Axes
  3. % Increased Attack Speed while holding a Shield
  4. % Increased Bleeding Damage
  5. +% to Physical Damage over time Multiplier
  6. % Increased Attack Speed

Any other damage mods are fine to fill in the gaps. The general priority for jewels is:

  1. % increased Maximum Life
  2. Attack Speed
  3. Bleeding Damage / Multiplier
  4. Physical Damage / Melee Damage

Any other mods you can get your hands on that modify Attack Speed, Physical Damage or Melee Damage are all excellent choices.

Watchers Eye

As we’re making use of Pride Pride and Determination Determination, we have a plethora of options to choose from here.
The primary recommendation will be the one found in the latter budget, which runs:
#% increased physical damage while affected by Pride
You take #% reduced extra damage from critical strikes while affected by determination.
Of these two I’d personally prioritise the critical reduction, as when paired with the armour mastery it results in us reaching around 80% reduction which means crits stop killing us.


  1. One of the three latter flasks needs to have a #% increased armour during effect roll, preferably 50%
  2. One of them should have freeze immunity or Ignite immunity, depending on if you went Brine King Pantheon or not. If you went Brine King, go Ignite. If you did not, go with Freeze.

For your final flask, you pick one of the following:

Curse effect reduction
Shock Immunity
Movement speed

Of the three I would personally run the build with Either shock immunity or movement speed, but you pick whichever option you feel suits you best.

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