Earthquake Juggernaut Gear, Jewels, and Flasks



Path of Building

Find all our recommended gear from the comfort of Path of Building, available here.

Included in the Path of Building are skill trees, all gem links and possible variations, and an example set of mid-level gear with room for upgrades. For simplicity’s sake, Elemental Resistances are not included on gear, and you can fill them in as you like depending on available gear.

We use the Path of Building Community Fork for all of our builds, which is highly recommended. If you are encountering errors importing the build, please ensure you are using the Community Fork.

Gear Summary / TL;DR

Our basic recommendation:

Item Slot Item Name
Head Rare Royal Burgonet Royal Burgonet
Amulet Rare Amulet
Chest Rare Astral Plate Astral Plate with Crusader Influence
Gloves Rare Spiked Gloves Spiked Gloves
Boots Rare Boots
Belt Rare Stygian Vise Stygian Vise
Rings Rare Rings (Steel Ring Steel Rings or Vermillion Ring Vermillion Rings if you don’t need Resistances anymore)
Weapon Rare Karui Chopper Karui Chopper or Atziri's Disfavour Atziri's Disfavour


As with most melee builds that utilize pure Physical damage, your Weapon is the primary factor in determining your damage output. To this end, we recommend focusing on getting a strong weapon as soon as possible before focusing on other expensive upgrades.

For all non-Unique crafting, we recommend our Affix tool.


Body Armour

Our best option in the late game is a Crusader influenced Astral Plate Astral Plate that causes Bleeding enemies to explode and deal a percentage of their Life as Physical damage. This is helpful in allowing us to chain together kills more reliably and further smooth out clear. Until you can afford this piece or craft it yourself, you can opt to use a Rare without this affix or use Belly of the Beast Belly of the Beast as a stopgap. Prioritize affixes on Rares as follows:

  1. Enemies you Kill Explode, Dealing 3% of Their Life as Physical Damage (Crusader)
  2. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistance
  3. +# to Maximum Life
  4. +# to Maximum Life / +# to Armour
  5. % Increased Armour

There are some really powerful Astral Plate Astral Plates that are often crafted through the league, some even boasting strong combinations of influences using Awakener's Orb Awakener's Orbs to craft them. For simplicity and realism not all affixes have been included here, but if you have a question about a crafted chest feel free to ask in the comments for clarification. Just having a plate with a very high Life roll, some Armour, and the Explode affix would be a very strong item to acquire, so start with that.


A Rare helmet is generally our best option throughout all stages of the game. The Royal Burgonet Royal Burgonet is the best available base as it has the highest base Armour value.

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistance
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. +# to Maximum Life / +# to Armour
  4. % Increased Armour
  5. +# to Armour

The enchant for Earthquake Earthquake is no longer very important, as the strongest variant was pruned from the live game. Some options are:

These enchants are all very low priority and should not be sought after unless they are very cheap or all your core items have been obtained.


Spiked Gloves Spiked Gloves are the ideal base in the end-game, but prioritize getting a pair of gloves that have the proper affixes early in the league.

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks
  4. % Increased Damage While Leeching (Crafted)
  5. +# to Maximum Life / +# to Armour
  6. % increased Attack Speed
  7. +# to Armour
  8. +# to Strength


You can choose your base as you see fit. Titan Greaves Titan Greaves offer the highest possible Armour, but you could also opt for a nice pair of Two-Toned Boots (Fire and Lightning Resistances) Two-Toned Boots (Fire and Lightning Resistances) to splash out on as much Resistance as possible. This can free up some affix priority on other pieces or give you more freedom to use Steel Ring Steel Rings, depending on how much Resistance you have already.

  1. % Increased Movement Speed (minimum 25%, recommended 30%)
  2. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistance
  3. +# to Maximum Life
  4. +# to Armour
  5. +# to Strength


As stated at the start of the gear section, the Weapon has the heaviest influence on your damage output when contrasted with any other possible upgrade in the build. Having a high Physical DPS weapon is critical to your damage output and it should be the piece that you look to upgrade whenever you have the currency to trade up.

Atziri's Disfavour Atziri's Disfavour is also an option but ultimately gets outpaced by Rares. Depending on the cost of this unique, it may be worth using along your way to a top end Rare, but often it is too expensive to justify buying and linking.

Our preferred base is the Karui Chopper Karui Chopper, as it has the highest possible top-end Physical damage. When you are starting out you will want a Rare with at least 450 Physical DPS, but you will want to seek out as high a number as you can afford. 650 pDPS is a good number to aim for as you reach mid-game mapping. Prioritize affixes as follows:

  1. % increased Physical Damage
  2. Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks
  3. Hits With This Weapon Having Culling Strike Against Bleeding Enemies (Elder)
  4. % increased Attack Speed
  5. % increased Physical Damage / +# to Accuracy
  6. % Chance to Deal Double Damage (Crafted)



A Rare amulet with a base of your choosing should be used. We prefer the Turquoise Amulet Turquoise Amulet, as this build does not naturally acquire much Dexterity or Intelligence, and this can free up some restrictions.

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistance
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks
  4. +% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier (Hunter)
  5. +1 to Level of All Strength Skill Gems (Hunter)
  6. % Increased Damage with Ailments
  7. # to Strength

The Hunter mods are far from necessary, but give you a late game goal to sink some currency towards that can result in a noticeable damage increase. There are other Conqueror affixes to keep an eye out for as well, though too many to properly list and prioritize. In general, your goal should be to get as much Resistance on your other items as possible to give yourself as much room as possible to itemize full offense on your amulet once you reach the late game.


Steel Ring Steel Rings are the best choice for damage if you can cap Resistances, while Vermillion Ring Vermillion Rings can get you to very high levels of health. Resistance rings should be your choice when starting out to help your cap smoothly.

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. Curse Enemies With Level 8 Vulnerability on Hit (Warlord — on one ring only for Vulnerability Vulnerability application)
  4. Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks
  5. % Increased Damage (Crafted)
  6. # to Dexterity / Intelligence (if needed)


The Stygian Vise Stygian Vise is far and away the best choice. Belt of the Deceiver Belt of the Deceiver is a good option while levelling but quickly loses out in the later portion of the game due to our use of Intimidating Cry Intimidating Cry to acquire Intimidate. The Rare Affix priority is:

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistance
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. % Increased Global Physical Damage
  4. % Increased Damage (Crafted)
  5. +# to Armour
  6. +# to Strength


Unique Jewels

Intuitive Leap Intuitive Leap is a good option to acquire some extra points near Golem’s Blood for less skill investment.

Watcher's Eye Watcher's Eye is also a great ultra late game acquisition, as the Pride Pride mods can add some serious damage to your exile. Check in Path of Building to see what works best for your exile as there is some flux depending on gear level.

Standard Jewels

Virtually any Jewel with % Increased Maximum Life and some damage affixes is suitable to slot in. Upgrades should be made in the late game once your key pieces are acquired.

  1. % Increased Maximum Life
  2. % Increased Damage with Axes
  3. % to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
  4. % Increased Melee Damage
  5. % increased Damage with Bleeding

Abyssal Jewels

  1. # to Maximum Life
  2. Adds # to # Physical Damage to Axe Attacks
  3. Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks
  4. % Increased Damage if You’ve Killed Recently
  5. % Increased Attack Speed

Any other useful affixes you can fit in are also perfectly fine, such as additional Resistances, or using an Onslaught on kill chance Jewel to swap out your Silver Flask Silver Flask for more defense.


If you are overcapped on Resistances you could opt to swap out your Warding flask for a Dousing suffix, as we are unaffected by Temporal Chains Temporal Chains maps by default due to our Ascendancy.

Early Mapping

  1. Seething Divine Life Flask Divine Life Flask of Staunching
  2. Lion's Roar Lion's Roar
  3. Chemist’s Silver Flask Silver Flask of Adrenaline
  4. Chemist’s Basalt Flask Basalt Flask of Grounding
  5. Experimenter’s Quicksilver Flask Quicksilver Flask of Warding

End Game

  1. Experimenter’s Sulphur Flask Sulphur Flask of Staunching
  2. Lion's Roar Lion's Roar
  3. Chemist’s Silver Flask Silver Flask of Adrenaline
  4. Chemist’s Basalt Flask Basalt Flask of Grounding
  5. Experimenter’s Quicksilver Flask Quicksilver Flask of Warding

To find out to easily craft your own non-Unique flasks yourself, we recommend reading our flask-crafting guide.

Main Page / TL;DR


  • Updated for 3.17 Archnemesis.

  • Updated POB and gems page.

  • 3.14 Ultimatum initial updates are in.

  • 3.13 Ritual; updated for the new challenge league!

  • Ready for Heist 3.12; updated Path of Building, FAQ, and expanded the Skill Tree section to included detailed advice.

  • Furty has taken over the build. Complete overhaul from the ground up; considerable improvements to damage and defense.

  • Reworked the guide for Harvest 3.11. The build gains a lot of power via buffs to Two-handed weapons and Slam skills.

  • Revisited and updated for Delirium 3.10. The build still remains a very solid league-starter and one of the best choices when it comes to farming currency early on in a league.

  • Revisited and updated for Metamorph 3.9. Changes to monster Armour slightly affect the build but consindering our big chunks of Physical damage we ignore most of monster's Armour any ways.

  • Revisited and updated for Blight 3.8. The build still remains as one of the best choices for farming Uber Lab early on.

  • Updated passive trees for Legion 3.7.

  • Improved Gem and Gearing sections.

  • Updated passive skill trees.

  • Revisited and updated for Synthesis 3.6.

  • Made the playstyle section more descriptive, and improved the gearing section by providing more detailed recommendations.

  • Reworked Gem Link and Gem Progression sections for improved visibility

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